Service chain of WeMe
Reduce investment costs when understanding the overview from the beginning
Overview question
What is environmental impact assessment?
Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14 of the National Assembly clearly states that environmental impact assessment must be performed during the project preparation stage (Clause 2, Article 19)
1. Project owners subject to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 18 of this Law themselves or hire a consulting organization to conduct environmental impact assessment and are responsible before the law for the results of impact assessment. environment.
2. Environmental impact assessment must be done during the project preparation stage.
3. The results of environmental impact assessment are expressed in the form of an environmental impact assessment report.
4. The cost of preparing and appraising the environmental impact assessment report belongs to the project investment capital and is responsible for the project owner. -
What is the most reasonable or modern when choosing wastewater treatment technology, exhaust gas treatment, and waste treatment?
Reasonable investment source and post-processing quality requirements are the two most important factors.
There have been many well-invested projects with European materials and equipment, but they were not suitable when standards changed. -
Do you generate emissions? Which group do you belong to?
There are two characteristic groups: organic groups and inorganic groups.
Exhaust gas treatment is gradually being subjected to strict regulations. However, just like wastewater, there will be criteria that create "huge fines". Therefore, you need to consider those criteria first. -
What to keep in mind when designing a wastewater treatment system, designing an exhaust system, and designing a waste classification area?
Technology is not important because technology is very popular and diverse. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the functions of the unit's construction. Calculate the correct tank volume, correct pipe size, correct pump capacity...
Do you choose "synchronous and suitable" equipment or choose expensive origin?
If you have money, you have to synchronize. Otherwise, you should choose sync without spending money. The cost of repair and maintenance for the environmental treatment system (water supply, wastewater, exhaust gas) is extremely large compared to the initial investment cost.
Why does an EIA need enough experts to set up all the environmental issues for the business?
They have enough staff to "roll in" when there is a problem, not simply after the appraisal is lost.
What is the harm when overlooking the preparation of EIA (environmental impact assessment)?
The unit preparing the environmental impact assessment provides many complex processing steps for the council to easily approve. The environmental impact assessment was approved very quickly. But it cannot be implemented in reality in terms of funding for construction of environmental protection works.
Later, having to apply for adjustment and re-appraisal is very difficult and expensive. -
Which group does your wastewater belong to?
Organic group or inorganic group?
Living group or industrial group?
Each group will have unique technology. With different capacities, application technology also changes to optimize costs. If you just copy the technology without accurately calculating the unit projects, it will not be effective.
There are only a few indicators in wastewater that create "huge fines". If you want to optimize your current budget, you should prioritize spending on that target. -
Where do you get your water supply? Water department or underground water exploitation?
If you are using local water, what fees will you pay?
After using, what fees do you still have to pay?
If you reuse water, you will compare the benefits of reuse. At the same time, the risky costs of water supply and wastewater are put aside. Along with that, it is easy to register for a "green label" for a business or a "green label" for a project. -
Are you allowed to discharge wastewater?
Many projects have easy investment licensing. But environmental procedures and discharge requirements are extremely expensive. So, you should keep this point in mind before deciding to set foot in the location you like.
When you need help, who do you call?
Prioritize calling the unit that is under warranty for you. If the warranty expires, you should also call the unit that provided the service. Because they know the problem will solve faster. Otherwise, you should prepare an additional service phone number that specializes in taking care of this problem for many businesses. In the numbers you call, you should add 0942 413 007 (WeMe Environment – maintenance team)